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Make 2019 the year to go Plastic Free

The time has come; there’s no point putting our heads in the sand any longer. The unnecessary consumption of single-use plastic has to stop and 2019 is the year to make the change. Here are our seven resolutions for a plastic-free revolution…

  • Refuse unnecessary plastic

  • Buy loose and refillable options

  • Order milk in glass bottles

  • Swap plastic bottles to bars in the bathroom

  • Change from clingfilm to reusable wrappers

  • Reduce plastic consumption item-by-item

  • Plant a vegetable plot


Forget getting fit, becoming frugal or losing a few pounds and make a resolution to go plastic-free in your household. Of course, any change is a journey and going completely plastic-free overnight is unrealistic. So keep it simple and take the pledge to start your plastic-free journey in 2019.

Widdlebirdy Reusable Cup

  • Tackle your fresh food shop as a next step - buy loose wherever you can and take your own tote bags and boxes to fill up. It’s another small step and one that soon becomes a habit. Opt for stores with refilling stations, loose fruit and veg and avoid any that use takeaway cups and cutlery. Find details of our Refillery at our Tollcross store here

  • Embrace your milkman (not literally!) and start to have your milk delivered in refillable glass bottles where available. It’s another tick on your list and as a bonus - small kids tend to enjoy popping out the milk bottles on the doorstep to help! 
  • Ditch the plastic in the shower. Use soap, shampoo and conditioner bars instead. These are now easy to find and lots of them knock the socks off conventional body care products. You can also get hold of metal tins for taking your soapy bars with you when you travel, so that there’s no need for mini plastic bottles then either. Try these ones from Friendly Soap. 

Lavender & Tea Tree Shampoo Bar Vegan

  • Ramp up your efforts in the kitchen by swapping plastic-wrapped snacks for homemade bars wrapped in stylish beeswax reusable wrappers. You may find it will end up cutting the sugar intake along with those endless plastic wrappers so it’s a win-win. There are also vegan versions available to replace clingfilm. You can buy two kinds of reusable wraps from Real Foods, The Beeswax Food Wrap Company and The Vegan Food Wrap Co.
  • As the warmer months kick in, set yourself the target of getting rid of one more plastic item a week until you’re plastic-free for good.
  • Planting a small vegetable plot and herb garden is another great way to avoid having to buy plastic-wrapped food and the spring is a great time to start.

Bran Wax Kitchen Wrap Small Pack

As you see your plastic rubbish start to rapidly decrease, you’ll really get the bug. Everyone making small changes in the ways we shop will send the manufacturing industry a strong message that they need to overhaul their packaging.

Here’s to making the change and opting for a plastic-free 2019!

If you want to find Plastic Free and Zero Waste products on our website - simply search for the item you're looking for and then filter it. Filters are on the left-hand side of the page and along with filtering by diets types such as Organic or Vegan, we now have the option of filtering by Plastic Free and Zero Waste also. Zero Waste items are environmentally friendly products that help to reduce waste and promote reuse and recycling. However, they do contain Plastic. For example Bamboo toothbrushes are an excellent alternative to plastic ones and biodegrade easily, however often the bristles are nylon and therefore they are tagged Zero Waste in our stores. Start shopping here.