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Fresh Fruit and Veg for Summer

We are big fans of eating locally, organically and seasonally here at Real Foods. Particularly when it comes to our fresh fruit and vegetables. They’re the mainstay of any varied diet, essential for health and taste fabulous, so here’s our guide to our fresh fruits and vegetables range in Real Foods for June and July.

Fresh fruits

Summer is great for fruits, particularly berries. Redcurrants, Strawberries, Cherries, Raspberries, Limes, Gooseberries, Melons, Blueberries and Blackberries are all in this season, or about to be, and taste delicious.

Our full fresh fruit range can be found here on the website

Eat – Fresh as a dessert or as a sprinkle over breakfast mueslis.

Save – Squish and freeze the leftovers for emergency desserts, fruity additions to sauces, smoothies or exciting ice cubes!

Try – Avocado and Cucumber Maki Rolls recipe for a deliciously fresh version of sushi

Real Foods recommend...

Fresh coconut is hugely popular at this time of year. If you have a drill you can pop a hole in it and a straw and drink fresh coconut water. If not, simply chop off the head (the ‘eyes’ of a coconut are the easiest part to break) drain the coconut water for drinking and use the coconut shell as your amazingly summery drinks holder! With the added bonus of sweet coconut flesh for snacking on.

Fresh greens

June and July are also amazing for salads. Providing colour, essential nutrients and great taste and texture at meals. Try with one of our cold-pressed oils, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a sprinkling of omega seeds to pack in the vitamins and minerals. 

Our full fresh green range can be found here on our website

Eat – raw in salads or sandwiches

Save – Kale and Spinach freeze well, or prolong the life of leafy greens by storing in the fridge with the moisture absorbed (paper towels or paper bags work best)

Try – Making a greens pesto with any fresh greens and herbs. This Wild Garlic Pesto recipe can be easily adapted for what’s in the fridge

Real Foods recommend...

Organic Rainbow Chard is amazingly pretty and cheers up all salads and side dishes. It keeps longer than other greens as it’s relatively hardy and can be used in much the same way as spinach. Younger leaves can be eaten raw, older leaves often want a quick sauté.

Fresh vegetables

Some vegetables are staples all year round. Garlic, tomatoes, onions, carrots, potatoes and peppers are all readily available and deeply useful for creating a base for summer dishes. 

Our fresh veg range can be found here

Eat - roast some garlic and add to bread, corn on the cob or hummus to give them a delicious kick

Save - make fresh tomato and avocado salsa with any tomatoes that won't last and freeze as needed

Try - stuffing bell peppers for a delicious barbeque recipe

Real Foods recommend

Potatoes the much maligned tattie is a great addition to summer picnics and barbeques. Make a simple Spanish tortilla with eggs and potatoes and enjoy, or try new potatoes with some butter and mint.

Real Foods fruit and veg delivery (online ordering)

Our Fresh deliveries arrive Tuesday - Thursday, with Tuesday being a small delivery and Wednesday and Thursday being are large deliveries of fresh items. All orders are fulfilled in the order they are received, we work on a first come, first served basis.

Orders placed up until 22.00 on Wednesday will be fulfilled that week. All orders received after this time will be fulfilled the following week. The earlier an order is placed, the more time we have to source popular items or out of stock ambient goods, and to organise any replacements requested.

Find Fresh Fruit and Veg in the Real Foods webshop here along with more ordering and delivery information.

Real Foods fruit and veg sourcing

Our policy for fresh fruit and veg is to only buy organic unless there is no organic version available or we have a particularly good local supplier.

Our mushrooms and a couple of speciality items are wild-foraged (generally Scotland although the Country of Origin is UK to comply with EU standards of labelling). We buy in soft fruits from a local supplier throughout the summer months to decrease food miles and ensure top quality. All fresh fruit and vegetables are clearly labelled online to show if they are organic or wild-foraged.

The country of origin can always be found in our stores for the latest delivery if you are buying online do email and we can confirm the country of origin.