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Meet the Producer Eteaket

eteaket-Real-Foods-Meet-the-producerIn December 2008, eteaket opened the doors of their Tea Room in Frederick Street, Edinburgh. Set up by jaded lawyer Erica Moore, who had noticed that while wine and coffee bars were booming, high quality loose-leaf teas were virtually ignored! Inspired, eteaket was formed to rekindle Britain's love affair with proper leaf teas. Whilst they love a cuppa at eteaket HQ, they like to think of themselves as Tea Innovators. They are constantly working on ways to bring tea to the Great British Public - they also serve tea cocktails, tea lattes and many more tea inspired delights at their Edinburgh Tea Room.

eteaket are passionate about sourcing the highest quality award-winning leaf tea. They visit tea gardens and taste every tea they serve. It’s not only eteaket who think their tea is top class, they have won numerous Great Taste Awards and been voted Best Tea in the UK by the Beverage Standards Association. 

This year eteaket launched their Cuppas for Causes campaign, supporting a different not-for-profit organisation each month. They are currently working with Amba Tea Estate in Sri Lanka collecting used reading glasses that will be sent to Sri Lanka and distributed to people in need of them. If you have a pair of reading glasses you no longer need please drop them into eteaket or post them to eteaket: 41 Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 1EP.


Real-Foods-eteaket-Royal-Early-Grey-Loose-Teaeteaket Royal Earl Grey T-Bags

eteaket’s Royal Earl Grey black tea stands head and shoulders above its regular Earl Grey subjects. A base of exceptional whole leaf Ceylon tea is scented with natural bergamot oil and embellished with blue cornflowers. The Ceylon hits it off with the citrus notes, giving a delightfully refreshing cup.

It’s commonly thought that Earl Grey is named after Lord Grey, the British PM in the 1830s who allegedly received a gift of tea flavoured with bergamot oil. It has remained a popular classic to this day.





Infuse it in gin for a special Royal Earl Grey G & Tea

• Royal Earl Grey Tea • Gin • Tonic Water • Lemon juice from ½ a lemon • 2 teaspoons sugar syrup • Lemon wheel to garnish • Ice

  1. Infuse the gin with Royal Earl Grey. Use 400ml of Gin and add two teaspoons of Royal Earl Grey in a personal tea bag. Leave for 1-2 hours.
  2. To make the sugar syrup use 100ml of water with 3 teaspoons of sugar, heat until all the sugar is dissolved.
  3. Into a jar add 2 parts Gin, the lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of sugar syrup and shake.
  4. Pour the gin mix over ice and add 3 parts tonic. Garnish with a lemon wheel.



Real-Foods-eteaket-Peppermint-Loose-Tea-Leaveseteaket Perfect Peppermint T-Bags

eteaket’s Perfect Peppermint infusion is cool and invigorating. It helps to cleanse your palate and aid digestion and is perfect for those with a caffeine intolerance. Definitely a more socially-acceptable way to freshen your breath than chewing gum. It makes a delicious iced tea (recipe below) or blend with hot chocolate for a mint hot choc!

Cool Mint Iced Tea

• 3tsp (6g) or 3 tea bags of Perfect Peppermint • 1 litre of boiling water

1. Brew 3tsp (6g) or 3 tea bags of Perfect Peppermint in one litre of boiling water for at least 6 minutes. Remove the leaves.

2. Allow to cool and once at room temperature pop into the fridge to chill.

3. Once chilled add a squeeze of lemon juice. To serve pour over ice and garnish with a sprig of mint. This tea will keep in the fridge for 2-3 days.


eteaket-Real-Foods-Breakfast-Blend-Loose-Leaf-Teaeteaket Breakfast Blend T-Bags

This is an inspiring and invigorating blend  of hand picked Ceylon and Assam black teas. It is wonderfully robust and malty with a gentle smoky edge. The perfect start to your day, getting you ready for whatever it throws at you.

Try it as a marinade or use it in your favourite muffin recipe!







By Kim Betney