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Multinational Real Food

What is 'Real Food'?  

mixture of different beansFollowing the launch of Tesco Real Food, one blogger asked the multi-national supermarket giant 'what is real food?'. They received no answer.

We Can Supply an Answer

Since midway through the last century Real Foods has remained true to its ideal of providing healthy, natural, organic (real) food to the nation at affordable prices. At its heart has been the core belief that everyone should be aware of what they are putting into their bodies and should be able to buy basic, natural dietary staples in whatever quantity they want at prices they can afford.

Our History

Real Foods TollcrossReal Foods started trading in 1963, at a time when few people had heard of 'healthy eating' or 'real food'.  Beginning by selling organic vegetables on a market stall in the south of England, Real Foods then started buying commodities from a food importer and merchant in London to feed the Aldermaston Ban the Bomb marchers who used to assemble at an old Elizabethan mansion in the Chilterns prior to marching.

Real Foods returned home to Edinburgh in the early seventies. In the intervening years, as people have become more aware of the importance of eating natural, unprocessed foods, Real Foods has remained at the forefront of the natural food trade. At one time their trucks went all over the country providing healthy foods at competitive prices to independent heath food shops.



Real Food from Real Foods

cherry tomatoes

Our concept of 'real food' has not changed. For the Real Foods team, 'real food' is food from which the body can extract the maximum amount of nutrition with the minimum amount of waste; food in its most natural state with the best bits still left in rather than foods that have been processed so that the goodness has been removed and replaced by chemicals which, if not actually harmful, are nutritionally 'empty'.




Is the Future Multi-National?

Real Foods Brougton Street

Now after almost 50 years, Real Foods and our revolutionary idea of providing the healthiest, most natural organic and vegetarian foods has entered mainstream language and is even used to denote a section in the UK's largest supermarket.


It seems flattering that such a large company would use our name to promote a healthier more ethical diet and the promise of television programmes, recipe apps and magazines appears even more impressive. Take a look at their magazine cover shown here and see how keen they are to associate themselves visually with our image. It seems we started a trend...




Our website is overflowing with free healthy recipes

Shop in the true home of real food and you are guaranteed free advice and natural, healthy and ethical food at the best prices.
Here's a scary look at what the future may hold for vibrant independant shopping areas in your towns and cities with a visual example of a multinational encroachment based on our very own Broughton Street.
Read and see more of Broughton Street in Edinburgh on our Real Community page.