Summary: It doesn't get any easier. Whip up this tasty raw vegan chocolate sauce in minutes from 3 main ingredients : coconut oil, cacao powder and a sweetener of your choice. The vanilla and the salt are optional, but they do lift and round up the flavours beautifully.
Whether you eat it straight from the spoon, use it as an icing on a raw cake or to coat raw truffles, as a dip for fruits (chopped pear and banana work exceptionally well for a chocolate fondue) ..., this chocolate wonder will make everything a little more delicious.
I like to pour it over banana and mixed berries raw vegan ice cream, for the best breakfast (yes, ice cream for breakfast) in the world ! When poured on the cold ice cream, the chocolate sauce sets, delivering delightful chocolate snaps.
Summary: What I love about these brownies is that although they are as rich and dense as the traditional variety, these are chock-full of goodness : the nutrition deprived ingredients in a typical brownie recipe are replaced by highly nutritious whole foods.
Protein, Fibre, Folate, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium and Copper - rich Aduki (or Adzuki, or Azuki) beans instead of white floor.
Fibre, Vitamin E, Manganese and Copper - rich hazelnuts, instead of extracted vegetable oil or butter.
And finally, they are sweetened with whole dates, instead of white sugar or other extracted sweeteners.
Grain free, gluten free, can be made vegan ...
Yet, as good as chocolate brownies get. But you don't have to take my word for it, try this recipe for yourself !
Summary: Vanilla and chocolate go so well together. Try this vanilla spiced hot chocolate and taste for yourself. For best results, use the best quality dark chocolate you can find, with at least 70% cacao.